Monday, March 16, 2009


I discovered a program a little while ago called alchemy. I see it as an idea generating tool, you make a load of marks on the "page" and make something from what you see. Anyway, I re-discovered it today and actually gave it a go, It's really fun, I reccomend that everyone gives it a go.

Here's my experiments, they each took about 10mins.

I think I'll give it a proper workout later and see what I can do with a little more time!


Chris said...

yeah I came across this in the forums and the style it creates doesnt always work with what people are designing but its all in context really as sometimes it works well.

But what I really wanted to say was u shud enter the dolphin!

Anonymous said...

Awesome man. Think i'm gona try this out cos I remember seein this somewhere ages ago but just never really took much notice.

cheers for the inspiration!