Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Ahh, 2007...sounds so much better than '06. The crossover between the two years went fairly smoothly for me this time around, and January was welcomed in Manchester with many cheery "Happy new year!"'s and a handful of songs on Singstar. Banisters were pulled off walls and some people lost some blood but that was their problem as by the time this had happened I was unconcious on the couch.
Many were cursing the fact they were alive this morning but never the less, Dec 31st 2006 was a legendary night that'll go down amongst the greats.

Besides having a brilliant new year I also spent a merry christmas in Warrington with my Wii. This console is awesome, I even convinced my grandparents to play and they loved it! Also, my mum was sad to see it leave from her house in Scotland and claimed she was suffering from Wii withdrawal. Crikey, this thing is good!...Dunno how things are gonna go down back in Leicester tho, there's not much space for arm swinging in my tiny room.

Anyway, in between gaming sessions I produced a tribute to Wii Sports for your eyes to devour. Enjoy!

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