Sunday, February 4, 2007


Wow, I've been busy today...Two blogs and this. Shows just how bored a student can get.

Anyway, time for yet ANOTHER Wii related post (so many interesting things happening in that corner of the ring). While browsing various games sites I came across WiiJing (pronounced Wee-Jay)...Which is essentially DJing but fully wireless by using Wii Remotes! It's a pretty awesome idea, it means that the DJ is no longer cemented to his little booth, he could actually be on the floor with everyone or whatever. I'm not into this whole DJ thing at all but it's amazing how people are utilising this technology only a few months in.

I also heard that there's a DDR game heading for the Wii too that forces the player to not only use the lower body with the dance mat, but also upper body movements with Wii Remotes. I'm not sure how that's going to work but it sounds promising.

Check out WiiJing!:

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