Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The assessments are over! Brilliant!
last night I was able to regain control of my sleeping pattern and was actually able to sleep for as long as I wanted!...thank christ for that.

anyway, on to the assessments themselves. First off, great job to everyone that showed their presentaions yesterday, there was alot of good work on display that seems to show that competition will be firece when searching for a job in years to come!

Now my second point on the topic of assessments; I'm pretty impressed about how they were handled to be honest, unlike the last formative assessment we did in year one, I feel that this one was handled alot more fairly. Mainly because the only things that mike, chris and heather had to take into account was what was on the screen in front of them and being said by the owner of the work, not from a screaming horde of students all shouting out seperate grades and advice.

Another important aspect of the marking stage is that the three people responsible for handing out our grades were all sat at different points around the room, each making notes independantly with no confferring with one another, this meaning that three unique takes on the work will be given when the time comes for them to retire to hours of painstaking marking, a process I don't envy them for.

That's my two cents for now anyway. Time for little R&R I think, my bed seems to be calling back out to me...

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