Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Speedpainting - Bone...and a little bit on creativity

First of all, my speedpainting for this evening:

45 mins"

and now my little bit about creativity. It's not going to be much as it's currently 12:40am and tiredness has surrounded me, waiting for the signal to move in.

So as I said before nothing really special, more of a side note, but I noticed that I hadn't mentioned the diversity of other people's speedpaints in previous posts.
I know this isn't exactly an original take on creativity, ("oh! look how different people interpret things!") but I think it's definately worth mentioning.
If you were to look down the speedpainting blog at the word "immersion" for example, you'd see a baby in the womb, a woman drowning, a diver and a guitarist immersed in her music.

I just think it's pretty cool how people's minds work in their artwork. Past memories, experiences, skills, techniques and so many other things can influence a person to create something unique from another person working to the same "brief".

Beh, reading back on myself this is looking pretty sorry...But too tired to fix now...

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