Sunday, March 9, 2008

Good and Bad

Wowza, it's been a while since I last posted anything (AGAIN!).

I'm gonna relate this good and bad thing to the dom war that's raging on as I type.
First off, my original idea. It sucked. It was very generic and lacked anything of interest really.
Since, I've come up with a new character based around the same idea, but even now I still think it's a little boring. I'm not sure it has that "spark" or whatever it is that brings a character to life.
Work still needs to be done!

As for the rest of the entries, well, the quality certainly varies. There are the UBER ideas that have originality, a personality and that "spark" to them and then there's the rest, drab "I've been done before!" ideas and the simply not very well drawn ideas...hopefully they'll get better when translated to 3d.

Some of the uber artists are something special though (and probably earning £££ at some fancy air conditioned games company!). I'm now wondering how long it'll take to get as good as these guys are...and I'd better, or I doubt I'd stand much chance out there without the skills.

I'm hoping that I gain at least some of what makes an artist good before the end of the course. I certainly have a long way to go, as re-enforced last week when Chris pointed out a thousand and one flaws in a picture that I thought was fairly decent...*ahem* I was clearly mistaken.

I'm thinking what makes these character designs good is having a strong combination of a cool pose, original and creative design mixed in with a little life-giving character as well as good skills in anatomy. Oh, and rendering techniques too. That's a lot to master, I'm thinking I can get there, but only after a sh!t load of practice.

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