Friday, June 13, 2008

Open Canvas

For those of you that don't know about/have open canvas, you really should. It's an awesome digital painting program, a simpler version of photoshop and painter with an added twist that neither of these BEHEMOTHS of the computing world have.
Open canvas (the early, free version anyway) has the ability to network wth other people, this allows people to digitally draw with one another wherever they are!

Recently me and Joel Pigou have been doing a few Open Canvas sessions with much sucess! Though it seems that if three people join one session it can become a little unstable, and any more than that usaully crashes the program. Oh well, can't really argue with a free bit of software!

ANOTHER bonus of this program is that it can save your work as an event file which can be played back at your leasure. It's quite an interesting learning tool that allows you to see how a fellow artist works, I don't know about anyone else but this interests me quite a bit.

I thought I'd post up some of the finished sessions as jpgs, here's some of our most recent ones. If anyone is interested in seeing the event files that go with them just gimmie a shout over MSN or something.

Just so it doesn't look like I'm trying to claim someone else's work, Mr Pigou's Pictures are outlined in BLUE and my pictures are outlined in RED =P

I'm quite happy with my Morgan Freeman, and I bloody love Joel's bird! Bravo sir, bravo.

Lovin' Joel's dude in the top left, and my main pic on this one relates to my last post with the Wii Fit girl (in case anyone was wondering). =P

I think I might need to start drawing something else besides people...

1 comment:

Giovanny Gutierrez said...

Hey Tom, Gio here (Wii Fit Girl's bf). Love the sketch man. Keep up the good work!