Sunday, March 4, 2007

Task 21: Aspirations and goals

University; It’s a wonder how I’ve made it here in the first place! I spent most of my childhood hoping to become a comic-book artist of some kind and then when I hit high school I realised how absurd and difficult that would be. So realising that I didn’t stand a hope in hell of that particular fantasy I decided that I should be a writer…heh, heh, continue reading this or any other of my other blogs to see how unthinkably wrong to humanity that would be.

Anyway, I hit back upon art again after getting through my first year of college and realising that I was no good at anything else. So after college, my friends packed up for uni and I did my foundation thinking that I was going to be an illustrator of some sort. How glad I am that I changed my mind before it was too late!

Thus far this first year has lifted a ton of boulders from my mind. Why? Because now, for the first time in my existence I know exactly what I want to be “when I grow up”.
Although I know that I have a lot to learn, I definitely feel safe in the capable hands of Joel, Chris and Jack, knowing that if we need to learn something art or 3d related it’s only a question away. Of course, the never-ending torrent of guest lecturers that Mike drags in for us, teaching us more and more about the industry we plan to enter someday, is more or less priceless on it's own.

In my short five or so months here at De Montfort I feel that I’ve learnt things that would have taken me far longer to learn on my own and the added comfort of meeting so many like-minded people is very refreshing and inspirational.

I think what I want out of these three years of university is probably the same as most, if not everyone else on the course; all the skills and know-how needed for us to survive in the games industry and some great memories and friends made alongside it all.
Beyond everything else I want my art to become the best it can be, especially since I’ve spent a good many years trying to improve my artwork more than anything else. My skills on the 3d side of things are still in their infancy and they will no doubt improve in time, doubtlessly even quicker when I get 3ds Max at home.

Since the beginning of the course I’ve definitely developed from both personal and artistic standpoints, the course has taught me a good deal about modelling in 3d already. I keep looking back to the wheelie bin and thinking “if I were to redo that dammed bin, not only would it take me an eighth of the time but it’d look a whole lot better too!”

More than anything right now, I’m glad that I finally know which road I want my life to go down and that I’m taking the steps up into the bus that’s going to take me there.

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