Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Task 24: Year One - Complete

So, the first year is done and we've been set free for a few months. Normally I'd think of this as a chance to relax, do nothing and try to find some excuse for being a useless sack of meat. Not this time though. Oooh no!

This summer I plan to work on my 1337 3d skillz. The first reason for this is because of Dave's blog (damn you, Dave!) as he rightly pointed out that next year's bright eyed first years will be the best of the best and I don't want to look foolish damnit.
The second reason is simply because I want to best myself and really strive to be a great game artist in preparation for the third year. cliche I know.

This year gone by has been a fantastic one. It's good to know that I'm actually enjoying my university degree, I still find it strange to hear other people on other courses telling me that they haven't turned up to serveral of their lectures due to them being boring.

Thanks to fellow students and staff (especially Tim. Where would we be without lotr or steam?!) for a great first year!

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