Friday, May 18, 2007

Ah Yes, This Thing...

It's been two months since my last blog entry...I intended to write something sooner but for some reason or another I keep forgetting.

Even though my intention is to write something, I don't really have much to say, but I probably should now I'm here or I'll more than likely forget again.

I think the only thing worth mentioning is a 3d model I made on Sunday. I've shown it around to a few people and the responses are good!.. though I can't bring myself to do any more to it. I guess it's because I'm happy with how it's come out so far and don't want to mess it up??

Naaah, I'm just gonna use the usual excuse; Procrastination.

here's the model anyway, I'm very happy with it so far since it's my first attempt at a person in 3d!

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