Sunday, April 13, 2008


Decided to do my digital masterpiece today. When thinking about what I wanted to do I thought I'd most like to draw a person...I went for the Mona Lisa first off, which I don't really like as a picture anyway, but it was the first thing that came to mind. I then went for the Marilyn Monroe picture by Andy Warhol, which I also quickly decided I don't like much.

By now I was getting a bit frustrated, especially since I don't know of many classic artists, and even fewer of them that I actually like. I was about to throw in the towel. That was until I remembered an artist that my mum's quite fond of, in fact, she has a good few of his pictures on her walls. The pictures are all so colourful and beautiful to look at - they certainly look like the artist had a lot of fun creating them.

The artist in question is called John Lowrie Morrison, or Jolomo. He's a Scottish painter who supposedly "will often complete up to four paintings in a rigidly timetabled day"

Anyway, here's my digital rendition of one of his paintings. I had alot more fun with it than I had trying to re-create the other two.

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