Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It would seem that I can’t sleep. Curses. Could be a good time to do something.

I’m going to take a last ditch effort at this good and bad thing, I feel It’s been neglected like a puppy in the cold. An ugly puppy…that demands I write about it. Stupid puppy.

I had a few thoughts about what I could do for this post as I swaggered over to my desk and turned my big box of data on, mainly along the lines of finding some pictures on the interwebs and typing out what I think is good and bad…you know, the standard stuff.
Then as I reached my log in screen I thought that I could go through this process, but with a piece of my own work instead. It’s a little too late in the day to really make any alterations to my pictures, considering there’s now around three hours to go until the K drive locks its gates, tells us we’re all too drunk and sends us on our way.

Right, better get down to it…I hope I don’t get too carried away and point out things that Chris missed or something, the last thing I want to do here is lower my grade!

Ok, here’s something that we’ve been asked to do, rather than something from my stash of personal pictures. Here’s my bar, it’s not meant to be anything big and shiny, I thought I’d go down a different route and make something that looks dank and unkempt. Worn things are generally more interesting to draw for me.

The good:

+ The perspective seems good, and I bloody hope it is; I spent forever on it.
+ A certain mood has been set with the lighting, one that portrays an after hoursy feel
+ Textures have been used to give the picture more substance and give the viewer a greater idea of the materials that make up the bar
+ The foreground, middle ground and background are all present and correct, adding depth to the scene.

The Bad

- Lines! Big black ones that surround everything; I think I’m starting to see what Chris is on about here…it kind of makes the scene look a little cartoon-y
- Wobbly lines. Maybe I should take Diazepam like a certain foxy (or should I say “wolfy”?) lady sniper… (I should be shot)
- The space could have been filled better
- People would have been a nice addition to show it as a working bar

I’ll leave my self-crit there, or else there’ll be nothing for Chris to do!

I know I’ve done this fairly loosely, and I’m sure with a bit more time (and coffee) I could pick up more things.
I’m well aware of how useful being critical of your own work can be, and I often point out my own flaws and problems but, I’ve just realized that I very rarely act on them, which is so very pointless. What’s the point of spotting something that’s wrong if you can’t act upon it and better yourself?! Good lord, a revelation.

Mental note: f***ing sort it out!!

I hope the puppy can be put to rest now, it just seems inhumane to keep it around any longer.

Well…The time has now reached 8am; I should probably wrap this up, get into the lab and carry out the final few checks on my stuff on the K drive. Perhaps then eat a celebratory muffin. Yes, that sounds most acceptable.

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